Understanding Sponsoring

(From the Emmaus Library booklet, Sponsorship)

When presenting The Walk to Emmaus, always present it in a positive way.  Affirm people in their own walk with the Lord.  Be open and honest about the weekend and answer any questions that arise.

Wise, intentional sponsorship is the foundation for building renewal in the church.  Sponsors need to carry out the details of sponsorship seriously and conscientiously.  Once you decide to be a sponsor, include God as your guide and counselor.  The intent of The Walk to Emmaus is to develop leaders who will return to the church—God’s church—and revitalize the congregation.  Since it is God’s church, God knows best who is needed when and for what.  Each step of sponsorship must include God.1

(From The Upper Room, Handbook on Emmaus)

  • The personal character of sponsorship underlines the personal care and commitment of God to each pilgrim.
  • The fact that the Emmaus experience is passed on from person to person reflects the relational nature of God and the manner in which God reaches out to people through people.2

1Gilmore, Richard and Janine R. Sponsorship.  (Nashville, TN:  The Upper Room 1989) , p. 36.

2Bryant, Stephen D. The Upper Room Handbook on Emmaus. (Nashville, TN:  The Upper Room 1989) .