
A participant, commonly known as a Pilgim for Emmaus and a Caterpillar for Chrysalis, has a sponsor. The sponsor, already having attended an Emmaus or Chrysalis weekend, will:

  • Assist with the application and preparation process
  • Provide transportation to and from the event
  • Help with any personal responsibilities that the participant may have during the weekend
  • Pray for the participant before, during and after the weekend
  • Encourage participation at Group Reunions and monthly Community Gatherings

Sponsoring pilgrims is guaranteed to bring you joy and blessings, so prayerfully consider who you know that is ready to go on the Walk. Visit with them, pray with them and get their application in the mail.

Click here to download a Walk application.  They are also available at gatherings on the Info table.

Also, do not forget to give your pilgrim a copy of the Walk To Emmaus brochure.  They are available at every gathering on the Info table.